Ann Arbor Road Scholars

Running in, around, and away from Ann Arbor.

Monday, November 07, 2005

My Breasts are on the Internet

This is the first time this has ever happened to me- my boobies are on the internet!! At last! They are covered up with 2 shirts, though. Hadn't been running much lately and didn't want jiggly boobs in the picture.

Thanks for posting the pic of my boobs, p-loop. I wear my aars shirt at least 3 times a week, even when I am not running- it is an essential part of my wardrobe.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger p-funk said...

um, i'm glad i could assist in your boobie debut.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger apoz said...

all right, since mcnerdy is tattling on me, i admit it. much like me ripping off "I'M JUST SAYING!" from a 6 year old in phila, i've taken sweet little a-s's "MMMMMMMM! MEE MEE!" as my own, too. however, i milk it (pun intended) for everything it's worth and use it to express (again intended) joy at something unexpected, like waffles swimming in chocolate counting as breakfast, 5 different desserts after a hoity toity dinner courtesy of work, free mugs from a conference filled w/ really good cappuccino, etc. etc. i find the phrase is good at keeping those around me abreast (this is getting too easy) of sweet surprises. just ask a-s: am i right or am i right?

At 11:10 AM, Blogger apoz said...

just to follow up - did y'all realize that mariah carey's latest album is called "the emancipation of mimi"?

i'm just saying.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger p-funk said...

apoz, i think you should name your first child "mimi" - the name that keeps on giving!


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