Ann Arbor Road Scholars

Running in, around, and away from Ann Arbor.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

ask and you shall receive

what do we want?

more runners!

when do we want it?


apoz asked for it and though it meant importing folks from rhode island (aka the other "rhode" scholars) , we had a sizeable running group today - gimps and non-gimps alike. sadly, this will be the last time that all of the aars will run together for about a month or so as various peeps are off to more exotic destinations for much needed (and deserved) r&r. have fun and we'll miss you! the crim awaits your return!

p.s. i'll be stuck here so if anyone wants to run, let me know...


At 11:10 AM, Blogger apoz said...

special shout out to ralph who was the best pace car yet! of course i couldn't keep up w/ him but his upbeat attitude was much appreciated.


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