about the Y
Ooh, I was just hoping someone would bring up the Y, so I could talk about my tidbit of info on the Y. There is a big ruckus in the breastfeeding community about the AA Y, a nurse-in is planned for Sat. Guess they told a mom that was nursing her baby that "there is no food or drink allowed in the pool area." She called later, and they told her that wasn't the reason, the real reason was she was "distracting the lifeguards."
Just the kind of thing to get public healthers worked up. Really, that is the kind of thing I'd expect to hear in Texas, not AA!
Just my tidbit. Sorry about your stinky run.
well, first i should say i'm all about that "breast is best" and "it's only natural" and "express yourself" who-ha, but that woman was feeding her kid in the pool while her 3yo (probably still on the boob, too) was wading in the pool.
last time i checked chlorine wasn't on the baby formulary.
km- are you going to partake in the nurse-in this weekend?
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