Feliz Cumpleanos!
One of our very own is celebrating her 29th birthday this weekend. Damn, she looks good for her age - must be all the running!
Since Jesus (that's hey-zeus, ya'll) tends to steal her thunder this time of year, we just wanted to make special mention and wish apoz a very Happy Birthday!!
Hope you have a great one!!
didn't she turn 29 last year? And the year before? Same thing happens to my mom, she keeps turning 49 every year. But she was also a runner for 25 years. She only gave it up because she spends so much time on her bike trolling along the beach. Nevertheless, I digress. Happy **th
hmmm...at 1st i was all, who else besides me and JC have birthdays around now? and who's turning 29 no less? and then i was all, oh wait, ploop is giving me a little xx year break! thanks man!
and as if y'all need any additional incentive to run, the AARS definitely takes care of their own - i'll be livin' in the lap of bella nina luxury...ahhhhhhh! thanks again AARS! you rock!
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