Ann Arbor Road Scholars

Running in, around, and away from Ann Arbor.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What is this blog supposed to be about again?

It's sad to say, but I had to learn about the world's new tomkitten from CNN instead of my usual news source on all things celebrity-baby related -- AARS.

As if I didn't think Scientology was full of a bunch of whackjobs already, Tomcat's much talked about arrival has made me realize I was too kind in my perception of the "Church" once I learned of the Scientology-sanctioned "silent birth" procedure:

"Scientologists believe childbirth causes emotional stress to the newborn if it hears the mother groan in pain during delivery."

I wonder what will cause little Surly I MEAN Suri more emotional stress: being raised by a brain-washed mom and egomanic, religious zealot father vs. hearing her mom make a noise during birth. Hmmm...

Meanwhile, Brooke Shields also had a baby on the same day as Tomcat. I look forward to more of Tom's meaningful insights into Brooke's use of that pseudo-science, voodoo magic us backwater folk call "psychology"...opposed to his rigorous, scientifically-founded beliefs.


At 9:08 PM, Blogger km said...

geez, if I known you were looking for the scoop on tomkat, I'd have hooked you up. I'm all over those celebrity babies. word is grier shields was born in the same hospital as suri.

i also had some misinformation on tom's desire to devour tomkat's placenta, but p-loop quickly put the kabosh on that rumor. on that note, maybe we should stick to running chat on the blog. not that I am running either.


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