Ann Arbor Road Scholars

Running in, around, and away from Ann Arbor.

Monday, August 22, 2005

countdown to the crim!

T- 5 until the crim! if the weather stays like this, we might have to break out the gloves and earmuffs for the race. actually, looks like it'll warm up some by then but not nearly to the levels of that miserable dexter-ann arbor run. of course, if the weather is perfect what will be my excuse for a shitty run? rumor has it that it's a relatively flat course, but the videos from last year's race was perched at on a slight hill. yes, i was reviewing videos and you can too. i had to scope out the competition. i'm pretty much thinking that the kenyans and ukrainians are making a wasted trip. 51.47 for 10 miles? puh-lease. when the aars take places 1-4 in the awards ceremony (so what if it's for for the teddy bear trot?). i'm just saying that the aars might have to add the special seasoning when we feast with the kenyans at the pasta party on friday. we'll just say, "that's how we like it in flint, yo. spicy!"

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

you know you want it...

your very own, original AARS t-shirt! it's the must-have fashion accessory for the fall. designs are in the works but first things first...ordering the t-shirts. for the ladieeze....we're opting for these REI tees. it's a lightweight, moisture-wicking t-shirt that looks great in all the right places. ecshelto's (the fashion forward running goddess that she is) has been sporting a red one all season. we've chosen to go with this color (blade). did you notice how it matches this blog? how apropos! we're working on our logo, but we can't post it here for fear of, um, imposters stealing our identity? rest assured, it will be subtle and v. cool.

and boyzzz...not to worry because we haven't forgotten about you. yes, there appears to be a small, yet growing fan base of the aars would have expressed interest (?) in a t-shirt (bjorn, pape, m-dog, jay-z, DMoney, strandvej, cjb, and anon- i'm talking to you!)

a group order is going into REI by week's end, so any interested guys and gals should send us your size and color and we'll take care of the rest. we'll send you the bill latah.

apoz is hooking us up with the grand master t-shirt maker back in beantown, so we're hopeful we'll by styling by October 23rd, if not sooner.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Little Baby Flint

Coming in 1st with his snail-like time of 13:32.55 - "the slowest 5,000 final since the world championships began in 1983", Kenyan runner Benjamin Limo is going to name his newborn son 'Helsinki' in honor of his win in the Finnish capital. Good thing he didn't win the Dances with Dirt race..."Aw look! It's little Hell Limo!"

Great idea. If Gwenyth and Chris can have an Apple, and Jason Lee can have a, err, Pilot Inspektor Riesgraf-Lee (dude, WTF?), why can't a runner have a Helsinki? So I'll say it: if (no, no; WHEN) I win the CRIM 10 mile this year, my 1st born son or daughter (or dog or cat or ferret, whichever comes 1st), will be named Flint. I still have to think of something snappy for the middle name though...maybe Mizuno?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

relay fever

i checked the detroit marathon website after our 5 mile run this a.m. through split pea soup-type weather conditions (ahh, MI in august!) and hurray - they've posted the relay points! they also have a nice little map of the whole route since the simple description "Atwater @ Dubois" doesn't mean jack to those of us who aren't representing the 313 (but props to the 734...awww yeah!!).

it looks like 2 of us get to go international - the 1st relay exchange is in windsor, canada. exciting, eh? to run out and about in canada? and check out the elevation chart, too - ecshelto might have reason to worry about hills for the crim, but the relay looks nice and flat..except for the ambassador bridge..which is also on the longest leg of the relay...we might have to draw straws to see who the lucky gal is that starts the relay.

Monday, August 08, 2005

hit and run

our little town gained some brief, national media attention as a group of well-trained cheerleaders from yspi remembered the license plate number of a hit-and-run accident in ann arbor by making into a cheer. katie couric, true to her cheerleading roots, interviewed the group from lincoln high this morning.

since it seems we have near misses almost daily, i must reiterate how much i love it when cars actually back up when they've gone too far past the stop sign at an intersection. because i wonder if one of us got hit by if the motorist would give the same excuse (um, duh!):

According to police reports, a truck hit a car stopped at a traffic light Wednesday, and the impact forced that car into another vehicle, which then hit another one.

The truck driver, found at his home, told officers he didn't think the damage was severe enough to stop, police Lt. Mike Logghe told The Ann Arbor News.

Monday, August 01, 2005

her cups runneth over

some of the aars double up for extra support, meaning they wear two jog bras to minimize the bounce. others of us could probably do away with the jog bra all together. the less undergarments the better! well, not really. even the little guys need something to hold on to. anywho, i found this little article in the fitting, all puns intended. it touts a new miracle bra (no lifting and separating here) for the uber-buxom runners, sold by title nine sports. "The Last Resort" bra promises to keep them from a knockin' without constricting the lungs. They sort of look like the kind of bra that my grandma wears - at least title nine admits it that it ain't pretty. but then again, none of the aars are slaves to fashion... yet.