peer pressure
don't believe those afterschool specials kiddies - sometimes peer pressure is a very good thing. like when your running partners are all lukewarm at best about the prospect of a 5:30a departure for a 5 I MEAN 4 person relay that you signed up for long long ago, in the heady days of summer. but lo and behold, you too feel lukewarm about the idea of dedicating the better part of your sunday to driving/waiting on I-96 due to construction, going on a bus and then waiting for your 50-80 min of go time game face in rainy cold conditions, then driving/waiting on I-94, I-96, I-75, etc. etc. so casually someone brings it up, one thing leads to another, and you end up at cafe zola at an easy breezy 9a breakfast date instead of the cold hard punishing (did you see the previous entry about fragile toenails?) detroit marathon route. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
so i must say i'm not too disappointed that we didn't run today. and this certainly was a learning experience: don't sign up for a race more than a month in advance, no matter how much of a good idea it may seem like at the time. that said, there's a turkey trot on thanksgiving in detroit rock city...
just jokes fellow AARS! unless, of course, you want to run. i mean, all the cool kids are doing it (actually, i think the cool strategic kids are running the mashed potato mile because the top 500 finishers get a coveted "award" (p-loop, are you reading this??) vs. only the top 3 in each age group for the turkey trot). i mean, come on. you don't want to be UNCOOL do you? just try it once...