Ann Arbor Road Scholars

Running in, around, and away from Ann Arbor.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

no really, we're back.

p-loop and i went for a run this evening.

back in the day, when running was a nearly daily event, merely taking an easy evening run would not be blog worthy. but considering that running is a bit of a rarity for at least 40% of the AARS, just thinking about putting on your running gear, even if it's just to go to the store, can almost be billed as a "running" event. so the fact that we actually ran, and in the rain no less...seriously, where's my laurel wreath?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

about the Y

Ooh, I was just hoping someone would bring up the Y, so I could talk about my tidbit of info on the Y. There is a big ruckus in the breastfeeding community about the AA Y, a nurse-in is planned for Sat. Guess they told a mom that was nursing her baby that "there is no food or drink allowed in the pool area." She called later, and they told her that wasn't the reason, the real reason was she was "distracting the lifeguards."
Just the kind of thing to get public healthers worked up. Really, that is the kind of thing I'd expect to hear in Texas, not AA!

Just my tidbit. Sorry about your stinky run.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

dude, we're back!

temporarily, at least. there was not just one, but two, outings this week. that's pretty much a record for 2006 so far. three out of five aars were represented at the butt-crack of dawn this morning (we really missed both km and ecshelto). thanks to anne arbor for getting our "aars"es is gear!

to keep up the momentum (motivation?) of running, i've decided to join the running fit 501 training class. i was successfully recruited by friend h to do it. and since misery loves company, i've tricked friend cjb into signing up and am working on fellow aars and friends of aars to join. most of them resist but at least anne job seems intrigued (right?). it starts this week so sign up online or at running fit!

of course, if the aars were up for running more in the winter i wouldn't need this silly class. so as the hockey nuts say, "it's all your fault!"

Friday, January 13, 2006

baby fevah

Man, if Baroline (nice one anne arbor!) had only waited a few months, their impending cuteness could have been the 300 millionth American! According to a NYTimes article today, "If the experts are right, some time this month, perhaps somewhere in the suburban South or West, a couple, most likely white Anglo-Saxon Protestants or Hispanic, will conceive a baby who, when born in October, will become the 300 millionth American." The baby deemed the 200 millionth American back in 1967 ended up graduating magna cum laude from Harvard...coincidence? I THINK NOT! I mean, when you have a 5 page spread in Life magazine devoted to your birth, great things HAVE to happen.

The article also reports that a new baby is born every 8 seconds in the US, and with death, immigrations, the price of tea in China, and don't forget to carry the one, that translates to the American population growing by 1 person every 14 seconds.

A new baby every 8 seconds. Whoa. That's a lot of diapers. To tie it back into running (this is really just so I can "brag" that I finally ran again), 302 babies were born while p-loop and I ran this morning.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bill is his daddy

One of the aars is baking more than just cookies and brownies these days (still running though!)...

km is pleased to announce the impending arrival of the first official male member of aars. No name yet, but stay tuned.

Yes- she is having another baby!!! YES- it is a BOY!!!!!!

still smiling...

Due June 8, my little brother's birthday

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

who's your daddy?

so this is way off topic, but seriously?? wtf? is there anyone else (besides brangelina themselves) that thinks this is a good idea?