It's sad to say, but I had to learn about the world's new
tomkitten from CNN instead of my usual news source on all things celebrity-baby related --
As if I didn't think Scientology was full of a bunch of
whackjobs already, Tomcat's much talked about arrival has made me realize I was too kind in my perception of the "Church" once I learned of the Scientology-sanctioned "silent birth" procedure:
"Scientologists believe childbirth causes emotional stress to the newborn if it hears the mother groan in pain during delivery."
I wonder what will cause little Surly I MEAN Suri more emotional stress: being raised by a brain-washed mom and egomanic, religious zealot father vs. hearing her mom make a noise during birth. Hmmm...
Meanwhile, Brooke Shields also had a baby on the same day as Tomcat. I look forward to more of Tom's meaningful insights into Brooke's use of that pseudo-science, voodoo magic us backwater folk call "psychology"...opposed to his rigorous, scientifically-founded