Um, it's effing hot.
Inspired by p-loop's ambitious endeavor and also being a little scared about what awaits me on Sunday at the crack of 8:20 a.m., I went for a run this morning. After many great runs this spring, I would often say to my running partner (err, that's you p), "This is the kind of day that makes you glad to be alive" since the weather was just right, not too hot or humid but the sun was still shining, you were out and getting exercise, etc. etc.
This morning though? Mmmm, not so much. My appreciative thoughts were more along the lines of, "It makes me glad I'll be in air-conditioned bliss as soon as I'm done". It's hot and muggy making it a bit stifling to run, or rather try to run, especially when you're barely making it a once a week event. I ended up walking parts of it because I was so out of it. I know K has been feeling the heat down in Houston for awhile already but for those of us still in Ann Arbor, this seems like the really 1st hot day of the year...ugh. So glad I'll just be running the 5K on Sunday!